I am a black gay trans man from Southern Arizona. I currently live with my lazy cat and my aging mother. I love art, books (obviously), and a cup of coffee on a rainy day. I am a survivor who struggles with mental illness and I spend my time working towards growing as a human being. I only say that because that’s the heart of my.
I read and spend time with my closest friends. I do write majority of my time, so the times I’m away are rare. I’m also a graphic designer so that also spend a lot time doing that.
Honestly an author named Sarra Cannon. I was watching so of her YouTube videos and I decided ‘you know what I can do this.’ I don’t know why I didn’t before. Probably self doubt. It ruled a lot of my youth.
I started writing the winter of 2018. I did write a little back in high school as well as a small period where I wrote Shadow hunter fanfic.
I don’t have writers block. When I have a down swing, because I am bipolar I read until it passes.
The minute I started writing.
A lot googling creditable sources and people who have the background I’m writing about if it’s outside of mine. For instance, my third book Shameful Scars features a asexual main character so I reached out to my ace friends as well as googling.
I spend from 6am-5pm writing, even later if I wake up late.
My favorite part is the positive reactions from my readers. I write for myself first and foremost, but it feels good when people relate with my work. My least favorite is networking and marketing. I am not the best at person to person interaction because I’m pretty harsh and direct. The industry, like any other, doesn’t mesh with my personality well.
Currently I have 4 books published, but I have several others in various stages of complete.
My favorite is usually my currently published, but as of right now my Alice in Wonderland MM retelling, which is currently waiting for self-edits, is my favorite.
That I have the gift of telling a story that comes naturally. Too naturally sometimes.
I have a lot, but I’d say Rashawn from Enough. He is one of my most complex characters and he isn’t who you’d think at first sight.
Enough is my favorite and the journey was interesting. It starts as a jab at a series I hate and cease something far more complex. The character carried me through this story hardcore. I didn’t know what was going to happen until it did. Some of the events of their backstory were a surprises me.
Rashawn has a complicated and heart breaking past with his mother and sister.
Lucifer from, Hopeless Scars does. He represents an event in my life that destroyed me and his story of mistakes made and finding redemption is close to my heart. The original story of Lucifer has always been with me and is a good example of the damage one can cause because of their perception and emotions towards others.
I can’t really tell you, because I am an. Initiative artist. When it comes to creating anything I go with my instincts, unless it’s client covers.
Researching how law works with an even in the book. The legal system is complicated.
The exploration of the character’s relationship.
I’m currently working on Transformed Scars the 5th book of my Skas series. It features a half Chinese trans woman and a half Korean cis man with a lingerie kink.
My life, Books I read, music, etc. I can get inspiration from a rock if it allows. Lol
I don’t have a specific author. I have two. Laurels K Hamilton and Stephen King. Both authors know how to get to the heart of their characters. They don’t shy away from making some aspects the character unlikeable. They don’t just throw Mary Sue in there and say done. They dissect the whys and how’s of each indignity. It might be my love of psychology, but humans aren’t simple and we don’t make decisions lightly, even if it’s all subconscious.
I’m currently reading Red Dragon my Thomas Harris. I love Hannibal because of his intelligence and how sick he is. The psychology of that man is deep and the fact that he is self aware makes him even more dangerous. I also happen to relate with the mad man far more than is comfortable at times—out side of the eating people anyway lmao.
Stephen King, Nicky James, Laurels K Hamilton, Kaje Haper, N.K. Jemisin, Octavie Butler, Cathyrinne M Valente, R. Phoenix, Cassandra Clare, Anne Rice, Anne Bishop, and Meraki P. Dark
Nicky James and Meraki p Dark. I chose two because tI admin them for different reasons. Nicky’s characters are real and true to the positive side of the human condition and Merkai’s are true to the darker side. They are like two sides of the dame coin when representing people.
This is from my current WIP:
I shook off the voice, that sounded too much like Robert, and we left the complex as the sun won its game of hide and seek.